Lockdown breaking up at the seams. The Australian attacks "scientific" basis for the lockdown

A major article in The Australian written by Adam Creighton (25/4/20) has attacked the "expertise" used in Victoria to justify its draconian lockdown. Entitled "Coronavirus": We're paying a high price for saving not many lives" it begins:

"The most absurd document published by an Australian government in recent times must be from Victoria’s Health and Human Services Department, which claimed 36,000 Victorians would have died from COVID-19 without the tough lockdowns brought in by Premier Daniel Andrews."

He contrasts this nonsense with the reality in countries without draconian lockdowns:
"Based on the simplistic Victorian analysis, Japan, South Korea and Sweden, which haven’t gone into lockdowns along Victorian lines, can expect deaths of 635,000, 256,000 and 51,500. These nations, all flirting with “catastrophe” according to Victoria, have respective death tolls so far of 330, 240 and 2021.
Garbage in, garbage out"
The article makes a good case for ending the ridiculous and totalitarian-style lockdown currently being implemented in several Australian States.
All over the world, the truth is now coming out: Coronavirus has a low fatality rate; a huge number of healthy people have been exposed to the virus with few ill-effects; the human cost of this lockdown is intolerable.


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