The Lockdown can be defeated if we stick to the issue!

It's clear the government is on the back foot over the lockdown. The protests over the weekend made it look as though they were the cause of the lockdown relaxation. This is good, and we need more of the same, especially in Victoria, where the most extreme measures still apply.

The restrictions on socialising, normal family life, work, and even going to church, are ridiculous. The solution is to take no notice of them and protests are a great way of rubbing it in. If this is done on a massive scale, governments will think twice about doing this kind of thing again. Governments in the West are keen to use any excuse to engage in social engineering and extra control. They think Coronavirus is a great pretext.

What not to do.
The main argument being used by governments ruling by decree is to declare all opponents of the lockdown to be extremists with views most people don't share. This was always going to be their strategy but there's no need for us to play the game.

We have plenty of fantastic reasons for rejecting the lockdown without talking about 5G, for example. What on earth has this technology got to do with stopping the lockdown? Some of the arguments being put up on the subject just don't hold water. If 5G causes deaths attributed to Coronavirus, why does Melbourne (with loads of 5G) have very few deaths from the virus (or any extra deaths over the last six weeks)? On the other hand, Madrid, with very little 5G, has had 50% extra mortality over the last six weeks. Those extra deaths (11,000) were mainly among vulnerable people, but the illness is real enough. Just nowhere serious enough to justify these insane lockdowns.

The argument that 5G (or vaccinations) is used by a global elite to kill off a great part of the world's population is one for those who want to lose an argument. If it was really true, one would have to say that elite was truly stupid and not worth worrying about: it just hasn't worked as a means of killing large numbers of people. The birth control that has been sponsored by the UN and national governments for the last half century, on the other hand, has worked to perfection. Fertility is below replacement in most countries ( including a great part of developing countries). China's population is about to begin decreasing.

Of course there is no doubt that modern communications technology like 5G has long term effects on health that we need to know more about. Or that modern medicine of all kinds has side-effects, which many minimise. If people don't want to use them that is their right. But if the aim is to kill us off, then globalists have failed dismally. For the last half century, far, far more of those lucky enough to be born have grown to reproductive age than in the past. For every one that dies from modern medicine, there are hundreds who don't exist because of artificial birth control or abortion. The globalist "elite" certainly does want fewer people - it's not a secret. But they don't need to put poisons in cough medicine or aspirins (or anything else) to achieve it, when people have been successfully persuaded not to have children.

A great opportunity
Some of the material coming out of the United States on these issues looks very unhealthy, because it is. We need to stick to the issue at hand and win!

Governments and elitists see coronavirus as a great pretext to get more power. But it's also a great opportunity for this nation to put up such a fight that it's a long time before Big Brother ever tries anything like it again. We don't need to provide any complicated explanations for our right to live and work freely. The facts and statistics which are ADMITTED by governments and scientists everywhere show that the lockdown is pointless. Some of them have been published on this blog. What's needed is people to act on them, and protest, saying no. The government admits it wants us to agree to being tracked and having our privacy invaded. It gloats over brutal police treatment of demonstrators merely exercising their right to free speech. It wants visual recognition technology put in everywhere etc. It has shown what it is capable of by locking us in our homes for weeks on advice that is easily shown to be stupid just by looking at Sweden. All of this is admitted. That's enough to go on to demand the resignations of practically all Australian MPs. These are the issues we can beat them on!


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