
Showing posts from April, 2020

Next Melbourne action on Friday. Join in all  who can! Acland Street Village, from 3.30 p.m. this Friday, May 1st. This lockdown ends now.

First demonstration against the lockdown. More this week

At Trafalgar in Victoria, 120 gathered to commemorate Anzac Day and to demand an end to the lockdown. A great first action, it attracted the support of locals. A few police cars attended, but eventually left after reminding the gathering of "social distancing". This Friday in St Kilda, Acland Street will be full of people who have had enough of the lockdown. Gather from 3.30 p.m.,

Heroic action by Wagga Wagga City Council.

After the initiative from Councillor Paul Funnell, Wagga Wagga City Council broke off its sister city ties with a Chinese city because of the Chinese Government's lies and irresponsibility over the Coronavirus. Councillor Funnell deserves support. The Chinese government knew about the virus and covered it up for many weeks, making its containment impossible. Now we are all paying the price. But the Chinese government is not sorry for this or anything else. It is engaged in good, old-fashioned imperialism in the Sea of Palawan ("South China Sea"). It influence and corruption of some of our own politicians is a serious matter. Australia is a small nation which cannot afford to watch the growing influence of this totalitarian state in our region. Wagga Wagga city council's action, though now overturned under the influence of a few politicians (themselves not quite independent, to say the least), was a great symbol of independent spirit.

Lockdown breaking up at the seams. The Australian attacks "scientific" basis for the lockdown

A major article in The Australian written by Adam Creighton (25/4/20) has attacked the "expertise" used in Victoria to justify its draconian lockdown. Entitled "Coronavirus": We're paying a high price for saving not many lives" it begins: "The most absurd document published by an Australian government in recent times must be from Victoria’s Health and Human Services Department, which claimed 36,000 Victorians would have died from COVID-19 without the tough lockdowns brought in by Premier Daniel Andrews." He contrasts this nonsense with the reality in countries without draconian lockdowns: "Based on the simplistic Victorian analysis, Japan, South Korea and Sweden, which haven’t gone into lockdowns along Victorian lines, can expect deaths of 635,000, 256,000 and 51,500. These nations, all flirting with “catastrophe” according to Victoria, have respective death tolls so far of 330, 240 and 2021. Garbage in, garbage out" The arti...

Great Links for Australians againt the Lockdown

The Lockdowns fueling Unrest

France has now suffered five nights of riots involving thousands, in twenty cities. It shows no signs of dying down. This comes on top of the country's worst economic depression since 1929. The super-rich are doing well out of this, as usual.

When did Australians lose the right to Free Speech? 2020, when millions lost the right to leave their house for that purpose!

If they don't use that right, and very quickly, 2020 will go down as the year Australians quietly gave it up. The Coronavirus shutdowns, especially in the States of NSW and Victoria, allow people to leave their homes only for a specified list of reasons: Exercising the right to demonstrate their opinions is not one of them! This went through by decree, without protest from parliamentarians. The excuse that exercising free speech is a danger to public health is one that even the most totalitarian regimes of the 20th. century never used. Social distancing can easily be maintained at a political demonstration. How can we ever trust the current generation of politicians again after this?  It won't pass. 2020 will not go down as the year Australians dishonoured the Anzacs by accepting to live as dumb slaves. Writing one's opinion in cyberspace is not enough. On Anzac Day the turnaround of this shutdown of Australian free speech starts, on the street.  Be there. If y...

Lucky Sweden, with no lockdown, light-years ahead of other European countries falling to bits

Our officials gleefully prophesied a Swedish disaster. Wrong! This article in The Age , while still trying to create fear where there is none, could not hide the truth: with no lockdown, Sweden is comparatively unscathed economically (its unemployment is up two points, while in most Western countries, including Australia it is doubling or worse). Nor is it suffering any more in terms of Coronavirus fatalities: 175 per million, compared to the UK's 255; France, 319; Spain, 464; Belgium, 540; Italy, 408; The Netherlands, 229, all suffering from lockdowns and entering full-blown economic depression. Putting things in perspective In a typical year in Sweden, 9 people per thousand die from all causes. So far this year, less than 2 in 10,000 have died with Coronavirus:  Less than 2% of all the deaths likely to occur...
Australia Re-Opens on Saturday. Anzac Day  Freedom Rallies. Australians have complete freedom to disregard totalitarian decrees. They can leave their homes whenever they like. On Anzac Day, all over the country, people will be rallying to defend the freedoms the Anzacs fought and died for. The amount of fear and misinformation produced in the media have led to what we've got now - a frightened, unlucky Australia. Non-entities ruling by decree want us to believe there is no end in sight (they talk about nine months and more of this nonsense). Day by day the media are conditioning us to accept a Chinese-style totalitarian society. There's one big weakness with this "unavoidable" scenario: they need virtually 100% sheep-like obedience to pull it off. This isn't going to happen. On Saturday, all round the country groups of ordinary people are going to re-open Australia by walking out of their front door without any other "nee...
  BUSH TELEGRAPH STOP THE LOCKDOWN RE-OPEN AUSTRALIA! For several weeks now, Australians have lived under various lockdown regimes. The effect has been to strangle the livelihoods of millions of Australians, abolish their right to freely associate and worship, and destroy any semblance of normal political activity. Both the Prime Minister and State Premiers, ruling by decree and implementing the dictates so-called experts, tell us this situation is likely to go on for many months. Based on lies . It all started with the Chinese figures. They claimed the Wuhan virus would kill 4% of the population. The West took these “statistics” as truth, decided we were facing a new Black Death, and a few weeks later we are facing a world depression like that of 1929, the loss of all freedoms, with no right to question, let alone protest.  The true death rate for Wuhan virus is about 1 per thousand. It overwhelmingly affects those who alrea...