When did Australians lose the right to Free Speech? 2020, when millions lost the right to leave their house for that purpose!

If they don't use that right, and very quickly, 2020 will go down as the year Australians quietly gave it up. The Coronavirus shutdowns, especially in the States of NSW and Victoria, allow people to leave their homes only for a specified list of reasons: Exercising the right to demonstrate their opinions is not one of them!

This went through by decree, without protest from parliamentarians. The excuse that exercising free speech is a danger to public health is one that even the most totalitarian regimes of the 20th. century never used. Social distancing can easily be maintained at a political demonstration. How can we ever trust the current generation of politicians again after this? 

It won't pass. 2020 will not go down as the year Australians dishonoured the Anzacs by accepting to live as dumb slaves. Writing one's opinion in cyberspace is not enough. On Anzac Day the turnaround of this shutdown of Australian free speech starts, on the street. 

Be there. If you can't, watch what happens and how to attend future rallies.


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