Heroic action by Wagga Wagga City Council.

After the initiative from Councillor Paul Funnell, Wagga Wagga City Council broke off its sister city ties with a Chinese city because of the Chinese Government's lies and irresponsibility over the Coronavirus. Councillor Funnell deserves support. The Chinese government knew about the virus and covered it up for many weeks, making its containment impossible. Now we are all paying the price.

But the Chinese government is not sorry for this or anything else. It is engaged in good, old-fashioned imperialism in the Sea of Palawan ("South China Sea"). It influence and corruption of some of our own politicians is a serious matter. Australia is a small nation which cannot afford to watch the growing influence of this totalitarian state in our region. Wagga Wagga city council's action, though now overturned under the influence of a few politicians (themselves not quite independent, to say the least), was a great symbol of independent spirit.



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