Change in Government Policy drags crisis on indefinitely.

We were never told about the change. When did the Federal Government (several State Governments are also involved) change its policy from "Flatten the Curve" to "Eradication"? When the lockdown started we were told it was merely for flattening the curve, preventing a sudden rise in hospitalisations to free up our health system. In fact, the hospital system has never been overloaded. 

Now we are told (today) that even 18 new cases a day of (healthy) people testing positive is too many to stop the lockdown. Plainly the virus is less of a burden on the health system by the day. What's the problem? Mission accomplished, why are people waiting for their freedoms to be given back?

The government has changed its policy to one of complete "eradication" of Coronavirus. This means that the fear campaign and restrictions on society and its well-being will continue for the foreseeable future. "Eradication" will not happen, for all kinds of reasons. This shifting of the goalposts to justify continued loss of basic freedoms is unjustified and untruthful. Once again, governments have demonstrated ineptitude and lack of trustworthiness. Once again, our political system has shown its bankruptcy by failing to produce even one MP prepared to criticise this radical change in policy.


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