
The Lockdown can be defeated if we stick to the issue!

It's clear the government is on the back foot over the lockdown. The protests over the weekend made it look as though they were the cause of the lockdown relaxation. This is good, and we need more of the same, especially in Victoria, where the most extreme measures still apply. The restrictions on socialising, normal family life, work, and even going to church, are ridiculous. The solution is to take no notice of them and protests are a great way of rubbing it in. If this is done on a massive scale, governments will think twice about doing this kind of thing again. Governments in the West are keen to use any excuse to engage in social engineering and extra control. They think Coronavirus is a great pretext. What not to do. The main argument being used by governments ruling by decree is to declare all opponents of the lockdown to be extremists with views most people don't share. This was always going to be their strategy but there's no need for us to play the game. We...

Change in Government Policy drags crisis on indefinitely.

We were never told about the change. When did the Federal Government (several State Governments are also involved) change its policy from "Flatten the Curve" to "Eradication"? When the lockdown started we were told it was merely for flattening the curve, preventing a sudden rise in hospitalisations to free up our health system. In fact, the hospital system has never been overloaded.  Now we are told (today) that even 18 new cases a day of (healthy) people testing positive is too many to stop the lockdown. Plainly the virus is less of a burden on the health system by the day. What's the problem? Mission accomplished, why are people waiting for their freedoms to be given back? The government has changed its policy to one of complete "eradication" of Coronavirus. This means that the fear campaign and restrictions on society and its well-being will continue for the foreseeable future. "Eradication" will not happen, for all kinds of reasons. T...

Next Melbourne action on Friday. Join in all  who can! Acland Street Village, from 3.30 p.m. this Friday, May 1st. This lockdown ends now.

First demonstration against the lockdown. More this week

At Trafalgar in Victoria, 120 gathered to commemorate Anzac Day and to demand an end to the lockdown. A great first action, it attracted the support of locals. A few police cars attended, but eventually left after reminding the gathering of "social distancing". This Friday in St Kilda, Acland Street will be full of people who have had enough of the lockdown. Gather from 3.30 p.m.,

Heroic action by Wagga Wagga City Council.

After the initiative from Councillor Paul Funnell, Wagga Wagga City Council broke off its sister city ties with a Chinese city because of the Chinese Government's lies and irresponsibility over the Coronavirus. Councillor Funnell deserves support. The Chinese government knew about the virus and covered it up for many weeks, making its containment impossible. Now we are all paying the price. But the Chinese government is not sorry for this or anything else. It is engaged in good, old-fashioned imperialism in the Sea of Palawan ("South China Sea"). It influence and corruption of some of our own politicians is a serious matter. Australia is a small nation which cannot afford to watch the growing influence of this totalitarian state in our region. Wagga Wagga city council's action, though now overturned under the influence of a few politicians (themselves not quite independent, to say the least), was a great symbol of independent spirit.

Lockdown breaking up at the seams. The Australian attacks "scientific" basis for the lockdown

A major article in The Australian written by Adam Creighton (25/4/20) has attacked the "expertise" used in Victoria to justify its draconian lockdown. Entitled "Coronavirus": We're paying a high price for saving not many lives" it begins: "The most absurd document published by an Australian government in recent times must be from Victoria’s Health and Human Services Department, which claimed 36,000 Victorians would have died from COVID-19 without the tough lockdowns brought in by Premier Daniel Andrews." He contrasts this nonsense with the reality in countries without draconian lockdowns: "Based on the simplistic Victorian analysis, Japan, South Korea and Sweden, which haven’t gone into lockdowns along Victorian lines, can expect deaths of 635,000, 256,000 and 51,500. These nations, all flirting with “catastrophe” according to Victoria, have respective death tolls so far of 330, 240 and 2021. Garbage in, garbage out" The arti...

Great Links for Australians againt the Lockdown